Guardian Angel Personal Safety Alarm
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👉Let's face it. We've all been there or know somebody who has.
You're in a dark alleyway, or on a street that isn't well-lit - or even just a place where you're alone and basically defenseless. It's never a good feeling.
You feel alone, and you are alone. 😨

What can you do to get help?
Mobile phones are useless in a personal attack (dialing is slow, impossible or meaningless) and yelling for help isn't always the answer, especially if you can't.
These factors aren't an issue for the Guardian Angel Personal Safety Alarm because the only thing this safety alarm knows how to do is scream non-stop, and it does this really loudly. 90db loud! 😨
The Best Personal Safety Alarm
In case of attack or panic, separate the wings by pulling one wing from another, bringing all the attention to you and your situation. That's it!
The Guardian Angel's 90db piercing scream easily gets the attention of passers-by and scares off any would-be attackers. Nobody will want to remain on the scene for the ear-piercing scream of your trusty Guardian Angel Personal Safety Alarm, as the sound will completely shock and totally disorientate an intruder or assailant

Remember, it is the sound that emits from the device that shocks the attacker, making him stop and pull away in surprise.
We all know someone special who may need a little added security when going to school events, to sports practice, on a date, or anywhere where personal safety might come into question.

Why it's great:
- It's always on you: either on your keys or in/on your bag.
- It's LOUD. 90db loud. People will hear it.
- It's easy to use. Separate the wings.
- It keeps screaming, even if you can't.
- It's discreet, attractive, and inconspicuous.
- It's distinctive and unlike other personal safety alarms. 👼
- Available in blue or pink.